Thursday, August 22, 2013

Neither Conservative Nor Liberal Not Even A Moderate

I am neither a liberal or conservative. Most would call me a moderate. However, when I think of these labels, none of the three hold a high extreme of accuracy in a description of my beliefs. Here is how I see. I am a man of issues. I look at each political issues as being unique within itself. I believe that no political party or politician has all the answers. I believe that some people have more integrity than others. I support those politicians that are open and honest about their positions. I believe a good politician is open to looking at issues with more than a party platform. These unique politicians are willing to cross party lines for the good of our nation. If all that counts is parties and platforms then we do not need humans to make decisions for our country. Computers could become the dispassionate decision maker. We would vote for the party of choice the computer would then do the rest. The current federal government is so polarized they have made less decisions than most in the history of our country. Lets take the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Congress has voted to repeal this so many times without success it makes them appear like Laurel and Hardy. What this congress lacks is insight and respect for change along with a good understanding of compromise. As for the issues look at each individually. Be honest with yourself. Ask a simple question do I feel this way because it is right for a majority of us or is it something I want because it is for me. Yes I have a stance on most issues. These are based on my view of the world. However, I am open to change and having my view expanded over the horizon of my personal beliefs. I want to have politicians that open my eyes and that open their own. I want to be convinced that a better way exists and that nothing is perfect. I want to believe no matter how good something is it can be improved.

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